
Chroma: The AI-native, open-source embedding database. We offer a fully managed, scalable deployment on AWS and Azure, complete with a Vector Management UI.

Self host Prerequisite

  1. Download & Install Docker and Git

  2. Clone Chroma's repository with your terminal

git clone
  1. Change directory path to your cloned Chroma

cd chroma
  1. Run docker compose to build up Chroma image and container

docker-compose up -d --build
  1. If success, you will be able to see the docker images spun up:


  • Chroma Upsert Document - Upsert document chunks with embeddings into Chroma

  • Chroma Load Existing Index - load existing collection from Chroma


  1. On the Chroma URL, specify http://host.docker.internal:8000


Last updated